The error shown below is displayed when you have installed the software and then significantly change the hardware or Windows environment, e.g. by updating to Windows 10 or after updating Windows 10:
If you're using a version of the software sold before 2017 you will need to purchase a new edition.
If you're using a version of the software supplied on during or since 2017 you can fix the error 209 yourself and then re-apply the "Serial number" (AKA "Licence Key") you were sent when you originally purchased the software:
You need to download a utility to remove the no longer valid activation from your PC.
There is a different utility for each specific downloaded software package and only the correct utility will work.
Each software package is known by a PCD#### part number - this is often included as a prefix to your "Serial number", in the name of the installer file you downloaded and used to install the software initially or shown on the software's screen.
Click the appropriate link to download the utility/utilities corresponding to the software package(s) you have (if you don't know which specific product you have, you can download and run all the utilities - the worst case is that software which is not showing error 209 will require you to reactivate it):
- PCD3006-17: Theory Test (Car and Bike)
- PCD3007-17: Theory Test (LGV and PCV)
- PCD3008-17: Hazard Perception Test Volume 1
- PCD3009-17: Hazard Perception Test Volume 2
- PCD4101-17: Module 2 Case Study Test - Driver CPC Training
NOTE: Your Anti-Virus software may report the above downloads as suspicious - this is because they interact with then registry to remove the activation data that was placed there by an earlier instance of the app and this process requires actions which are falsely detected as malicious - you can ignore that warning.
If Chrome is blocking the download, you can temporarily disable its checking as follows:
- Select "Menu, Settings"
- Click "Privacy and Security" in the left sidebar:
- Click "Security" in the center section:
Note the current setting for the "Safe Browsing" section, so you can revert it back later - Click "No protection" in the "Safe Browsing" section
- Retry the download via the support article
You should revert the chrome setting after downloading the utility program.
Run the downloaded file (you won't see any feedback, just wait a couple of seconds), then restart the main Driving Test Success software and you should be prompted to re-enter your "Serial Number" (AKA "Licence Key") to reactivate the software.
Alternatively, we can resolve this for you by remotely connecting to your Windows PC through the Internet.